Best Medical Marijuana Card Service

Although State Question 807, the initiative for recreational marijuana legalization in Oklahoma, was withdrawn from the 2020 General Election, the ballot measure will likely be back; until then, Oklahoma has a statewide medical use cannabis program. Approved by more than 56%, Oklahoma residents in 2018 made sure 342,263 residents received medical cannabis as of September 2020, according to the state government program OMMA.

Like most states, Oklahoma has had to delay its ballot measure that would not only legalize recreational cannabis use but make wide-sweeping criminal justice reform in the Sooner State. With recreational and medicinal cannabis legalization and reform happening each election cycle across the U.S., Oklahoma should appropriately see further medical cannabis provisions sooner than later.

Until then, Americans for Safe Access gives the south-central U.S. region a B for its medical marijuana program. “By May of 2020, Oklahoma had issued 2,428 dispensary licenses, 6,346 grower licenses, and 1,611 processor licenses, which have been instrumental in forming the medical cannabis industry backbone required to provide functional patient access.”

The rollout of statewide medical and recreational marijuana programs typically is a grindingly slow process that can take years. Not so in Oklahoma, which moved with lightning speed once voters approved medical marijuana in June. The Oklahoma State Department of Health is responsible for establishing regulations for the implementation of SQ 788. Oklahoma Medical Marijuana Authority (OMMA), overseen by the OSDH, was established to administer the rules and regulations governing the state cannabis program.

On June 26, 2018, Oklahoma lawmakers made marijuana legal for medical purposes. Cannabis in Oklahoma is now legal with a license. With cited medicinal reasons. Under SQ 788, an individual who obtains a medical marijuana license from the state of Oklahoma may consume marijuana legally and may legally possess up to:

3 ounces of marijuana on their person 6 mature marijuana plants 6 seedling plants 1 ounce of concentrated marijuana 72 ounces of edible marijuana 8 ounces of marijuana in their residence

There is no list of qualifying conditions, nor any specified criteria for patients to receive a physician’s recommendation. According to SQ 788, “The physician must recommend a medical marijuana license according to the accepted standards a reasonable and prudent physician would follow for recommending or approving any medication.

Oklahoma MMJ Application Submission Process and Cost

To get a medical marijuana card in Oklahoma, you’ll first consult with a doctor who is licensed in the state to approve patients for cannabis treatment. After the doctor approves you, you’ll need to submit the following documentation online with your State Application:

1. Physician Recommendation Form (The one you receive via email after your consultation) A Personal Photo 2. Proof of Residency (i.e. OK Driver’s License, Oklahoma ID, U.S. Passport, Tribal ID Card, Certified Copy of Birth Certificate for Minors) 3. $100 Application Fee via Credit or Debit Card (The fee is reduced to $20 with acceptable proof of Medicaid, SoonerCare, or Medicare enrollment)

Once you get your card in the mail, you can begin purchasing cannabis legally from any Oklahoma dispensary. Your card is valid for 2 YEARS, and when it expires you will need to renew it with another consultation.

Registering a Caregiver in Oklahoma

A caregiver in Oklahoma must meet certain criteria to assist a registered patient. To begin with, a caregiver must be at least 18 years old and a resident of the state. To prove residency, a caregiver must provide a current Oklahoma license or state identification card. The caregiver must also provide documentation that they are designated by the state-registered patient to assist them. In Oklahoma, caregivers are not required to pay a card registration fee.

Patients in the registry who require assistance obtaining or using medical marijuana products may designate an authorized caregiver only if the physician’s recommendation form attached to the patient’s application includes certification of the patient’s need for a caregiver.

Caregivers must submit the Adult Patient Caregiver Designation Form signed by the patient. A parent or legal guardian designated as a caregiver must submit the Minor Patient Caregiver Designation Form. Minor patients may designate up to two (2) authorized caregivers who are parents or legal guardians.

There is no application fee for caregiver licenses. Caregiver licenses are valid up to the expiration date of the associated patient’s license. The caregiver requirements are as follows:

Digital copy of proof of Oklahoma residency Digital copy of proof of identity A clear, color, full-face digital photograph valid for use in U.S. passports Submitted appropriate Patient Caregiver Designation Form signed by the patient

Possession and Cultivation Regulations

Oklahoma state law allows patients to possess up to three ounces of cannabis on their person and up to eight ounces at their current residence. Patients can also possess six mature flower plants and six seedlings, as well one ounce of concentrates, and 72 ounces of edible cannabis-infused products. As noted, a patient is allowed to cultivate cannabis, with state law permitting patients to have up to six mature plants while also possessing six seedlings for future growth.

Only patients, their designated caregiver, and authorized cannabis researchers, who are registered with the OMMA, and who hold a valid registry identification card, can legally possess medical marijuana. Patients, caregivers, and authorized cannabis researchers are permitted to possess up to:

Three ounces (3 oz), or 85 grams, of usable cannabis; Up to one ounce (1 oz), or 28.35 grams, of cannabis concentrates And 72 ounces, or 2.04 kilograms of edible products in public, and eight ounces (8 oz), or 227 grams, at home.

Growing/Cultivation Limits

Patients who elect to cultivate their own cannabis are limited to six (6) mature plants and six (6) seedlings. Patients may also designate a caregiver to grow cannabis plants on their behalf. Qualified patients are permitted to cultivate no more than twelve (12) plants total, with no more than six (6) plants that are mature at any given time.

Possession/Use Limits

Possession of cannabis for personal use is considered a misdemeanor. Individuals caught in possession of cannabis without a valid registry ID card who can show proof of an approved “medical condition” would be faced with a fine of up to $400.

Qualified patients in possession of a state-issued medical license are permitted to possess up to three (3) ounces of usable marijuana, up to one (1) ounce of cannabis concentrate, up to seventy-two (72) ounces of edible cannabis, and up to eight (8) ounces within a private residence.

What are the steps to getting a medical marijuana card in OK?

The first step is to obtain a medical marijuana recommendation from a licensed OK physician provided by Veriheal that is registered with the state of Oklahoma to treat patients for medical cannabis.

Once you are approved and receive your medical marijuana certification, you will need to simply register with the state of Oklahoma’s Medical Marijuana Authority online here. Click the “Apply Now” button at the bot to create an account. Submit the necessary documentation.

Once you are approved by the state of Oklahoma, your ID card will be mailed directly to you.

How can I find a registered physician in Oklahoma?

Veriheal provides a registered medical marijuana doctor for you! The most difficult part of the process has always been finding a registered physician who licenses patients for medical cannabis treatment. We make that process much easier by allowing you to not only access physicians quickly, but you can also meet with them online via video chat and get approved. You cannot use your own primary care physician unless they’re registered with the Oklahoma medical marijuana program.

How does the virtual video consultation work in Oklahoma?

It’s a simple two-step process. First, you will meet with a doctor from the comfort of your own home, through video. After being evaluated your physician will let you know if you will be approved for medical cannabis, and if so, you will receive your official recommendation and approval for medical marijuana usage in OK. If you are not approved via video, your consultation is free.

How long does it take to get a medical card in Oklahoma?

Your initial consultation with a registered Oklahoma doctor can last 10-15 minutes. From there, it can take anywhere from 3 to 4 weeks after you’re approved and submit your medical marijuana patient application with the state to receive your medical card.

How do I prove OK residency?

Proof of Oklahoma residency (digital, color copy of one of the following):

Oklahoma driver’s license (front and back) Oklahoma identification card (front and back) Oklahoma voter identification card A utility bill for the calendar month preceding the date of application, excluding cellular telephone and internet bills A residential property deed to property in the State of Oklahoma A current rental agreement for residential property located in the State of Oklahoma

What are the MMJ qualifying conditions in Oklahoma?

There is a broad range of symptoms that qualify that the doctor will approve. Ultimately, any chronic or debilitating medical condition will be approved. Most of them fall under the following categories:

Chronic Pain, Severe Nausea, Epilepsy, Terminal illness, Spasticity, Muscle Spasms, Glaucoma, Inflammation, Cachexia and Wasting Syndrome, Cancer, Neuropathic Pain Disorders, HIV/AIDS, Crohn’s, Disease, Anorexia

How much does a consultation through Veriheal Oklahoma cost?

The cost is $199 and that covers your medical evaluation, your consultation with a licensed OK practitioner registered with the Department of Health, and an authorized certification for medical marijuana purchases. For $379 you and a friend or family member can both get your cards for a nice little discount.

Where are the marijuana dispensaries in Oklahoma? Is there a dispensary near me?

There are already tons of dispensaries all over the state. You can see a list of Oklahoma dispensaries here.


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