Medical Marijuana - Department

Is it currently legal to grow medical marijuana in Louisiana?

A. No. Louisiana is a medical marijuana only state. Only licensed production facilities will be allowed to grow medical marijuana under Louisiana law.

Q. Where can I get a copy of the rules and regulations?

A. LAC 7:XLIX. Chapters 1 - 31

Q. Where can I find the medical marijuana law?

A. R.S. 40:1046 and R.S. 40:1047

Q. What is the role of Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (LDAF)? A. The department is the regulatory agency for the production. Manufacturing of the medical marijuana. The department is the regulatory agency for the production. Manufacturing of the medical marijuana.

Q. Who has the license to grow and cultivate medical marijuana and their contact information?

A. Louisiana State University Agricultural Center - (225) 578-4161 Southern University Agricultural Center - (225) 771-2734

Q. Who does the growing for the Ag Center and their contact information?

A. LSU Ag Center’s subcontractor - Wellcana Group, LLC (225) 408-7405 SU Ag Center’s subcontractor - Ilera Holistic Healthcare (225) 239-2592

Q. Will I be able to grow medical marijuana at home?

A. No

Q. Can I put my name on a list of individuals interested in growing medical marijuana?

Q. I would like to apply for a License permit. How do I proceed? A. The legislature has only authorized Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. Southern University Agricultural Center to be licensed to grow medical marijuana. The legislature has only authorized Louisiana State University Agricultural Center. Southern University Agricultural Center to be licensed to grow medical marijuana. Please contact the Board of Pharmacy regarding being licensed to dispense medical marijuana.

Q. Does the Department of Agriculture & Forestry regulate the pharmacies?

A. No. The Louisiana Board of Pharmacy regulates the pharmacies.

Q. Can a Production Facility sell to the public?

Q. Can production facilities sell compose made from waste medical marijuana?

A. No.

Q. Does the state have a seed to sale tracking system?

A. Yes. Metrc

Q. Who does the laboratory testing of the final product?

A. LDAF Ag Chemistry laboratory tests the medical marijuana concentrate and medical marijuana products.

Q. Can I serve as the testing laboratory?

A. The department is the state testing agency for concentrates and final products. However, the licensee can contract with an independent laboratory that has to be permitted by the department.

Q. How can I transport medical marijuana?

A. You will need to contact the licensees or their subcontractor.

Q. Is there age restrictions in the restricted area of the facility?

A. Yes, no persons under the age of 21.

Q. Will the form of medical marijuana be smokable or a vape?

A. Yes to smokable. HB 391 of 2021 of the Regular session. No vape however metered-dose inhalers are permissible.

Q. What does metered-dose inhaler means?

A. Metered-dose inhaler” means a device that delivers a specific amount of medication to the lungs, in the form of a short burst of medicine that is usually self-administered by the patient via inhalation

Q. How can I get a recommendation to receive medical marijuana?

A. Any physician licensed by and in good standing with the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners to practice medicine in Louisiana may recommend medical marijuana to any patient suffering from a debilitating medical condition with whom he shares a bona fide doctor-patient relationship. Please contact the Louisiana Board of Medical Examiners.

Q. How can I get a medical card?

A. Go to your physician. Any physician licensed by and in good standing with the Louisiana State Board of Medical Examiners to practice medicine in Louisiana may recommend medical marijuana if they have a bona fide doctor-patient relationship. Contact the Louisiana Board of Medical Examiners.

Q. What are the debilitating medical conditions?

A. (i) Cancer.

(ii) Glaucoma.

(iii) Any of the following neurodegenerative diseases and conditions:

(aa) Alzheimer’s disease.

(bb) Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

(cc) Huntington’s disease.

(dd) Lewy body dementia.

(ee) Motor neuron disease.

(ff) Parkinson’s disease.

(gg) Spinal muscular atrophy.

(iv) Positive status for human immunodeficiency virus.

(v) Acquired immune deficiency syndrome.

(vi) Cachexia or wasting syndrome.

(vii) Seizure disorders.

(viii) Epilepsy.

(ix) Spasticity.

(x) Severe muscle spasms.

(xi) Intractable pain.

(xii) Crohn’s disease.

(xiii) Muscular dystrophy.

(xiv) Multiple sclerosis.

(xv) Post traumatic stress disorder.

(xvi) Any of the following conditions associated with autism spectrum disorder:

(aa) Repetitive or self-stimulatory behavior of such severity that the physical health of the person with autism is jeopardized.

(bb) Avoidance of others or inability to communicate of such severity that the physical health of the person with autism is jeopardized.

(cc) Self-injuring behavior.

(dd) Physically aggressive or destructive behavior.

(xvii) Traumatic brain injury.

(xviii) A concussion diagnosed by a physician.

(xix) Chronic pain associated with fibromyalgia.

(xx) Chronic pain associated with sickle cell disease.

(xxi) Any condition for which a patient is receiving hospice care or palliative care.

(xxii) Any condition not otherwise specified in this Subparagraph that a physician, in his medical opinion, considers debilitating to an individual patient and is qualified through his medical education and training to treat.

Q. How many pharmacies were appointed by the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy to distribute medical marijuana?

A. Nine (9) licensed pharmacies were appointed by the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy. May be subject to change. Please contact the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy for more information.

Q. Where are the nine (9) licensed pharmacies be located in Louisiana?

A. Please contact the Louisiana Board of Pharmacy for more information.

Q. Is Hemp legal to grow in the state of Louisiana?

A. Yes. Please see the link.


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