Have A Medical Marijuana Card In California: Here’s What You Can Do With It!

The Californian laws regarding cannabis are pretty open and accepting. From MMJ laws to recreational benefits, adult citizens of the state have access to a grand variety of products. So when you end up at a Garden Grove dispensary with a medical marijuana card California, you’ve got it all at your expense. But is that all you can do with a Medical Marijuana Card in California? Let’s explore some of the other things you can do with an MMJ card in hand. If you have a cannabis card it means that whatever your medical condition, it is expected to improve with cannabis. It’s usually a given that other medication no longer has an effect or has too many side effects for you to continue its use. This idea exists more or less due to the fact that a majority of MMJ doctors don’t prefer recommending marijuana at the initial stages of treatment.

If you wish to get a cannabis recommendation, you can always visit a cannabis doctor or apply for a virtual consultation through their telemedicine platform. Wondering how to get a medical marijuana card? The process is really simple. Start by finding a legit online clinic so you can get your recommendation from the comforts of your living room. Follow this up by filling out the application form on the website. You’ll be required to fill in your personal details (name, age, gender, contact information) along with your medical condition. You’ll also be required to make a payment here. Once the application has been submitted, wait for your scheduled consultation. As per the scheduled call, you’ll receive a virtual consultation from a licensed physician who will evaluate your condition and decide if you need medical marijuana assistance. Now, all you have to do is wait for the approval mail. You’ll receive the digital copy of your recommendation letter almost immediately (the same day), making you legally eligible to buy medical marijuana.

If, however, the doctor refuses to approve your application, your payment will be fully refunded. You can still apply for the card at another clinic. Once you receive the mmj card you can enter any dispensary in the state and buy the product of your choice. When deciding the right product for you, keep your medical condition, your doctor’s consultation and the budtender’s advice in mind. Depending on the kind of effects you want, you can choose a sublingual tincture or smokable for immediate effect, an edible or oil for a delayed for long lasting effect. Smokeables and vapes may not be the best buy for patients suffering from respiratory dysfunction. New users should start with lower potencies and work their way up. Jumping onto a high THC product can lead to a bad high and elevated levels of anxiety. Addition of minor cannabinoids like CBN, CNG, THCV, Delta 8 etc., add onto the experience of a cannabis high.

All these, working in synergy, have a bunch of added benefits. Different terpenes, too, are associated with multiple therapeutic effects. Well obviously, what else would you do after buying yourself a flower or a tincture? Recreational marijuana users must be 21 years of age or above. For medical marijuana, minors, too, can apply for an mmj card, but require the guidance of caregivers or legal guardians to administer the doses. The government of California allows adult citizens to grow upto 6 plants. A complete household (with multiple cannabis users) to grow up to 12 plants. To grow any more than that, patients have to apply for a grower’s license. This helps patients save quite a buck on all high end products they find at dispensaries. Along with that, users can ensure that the hemp plants are organically grown, away from all pesticides and chemicals. Lastly, patients can avail as much marijuana as their condition requires.

Travelling with cannabis is tricky. The law changes depending on where you’re travelling to. Patients can carry their marijuana plants, concentrates or other products as long as they are sealed. It is preferable if the stash is kept out of reach (like in the trunk). The patient must carry their medical marijuana card while travelling with cannabis. Patients aren’t allowed to carry their marijuana across state borders, especially via airways. All airlines come under the jurisdiction of the federal government. Yup, the same one that refers to marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug. It’s usually recommended that users do not fly with marijuana. However, you might be able to carry your stash to another state if the state allows it. With a bunch of legal MMJ states having fully established reciprocity programs, patients can use their California MMJ card to buy cannabis from the state they’re visiting. The marijuana laws in California allow patients to get easy. Affordable access to good health. Even with limited research done on the herb, its potential benefits have not gone unnoticed. With thousands of patients claiming better health with its use, the state’s government has made this philanthropic gesture, making the herb so abundantly available. Now that we’ve highlighted everything you can do once you have a medical marijuana card California, what are you waiting for? Apply for an MMJ card today and get access to a variety of cannabis products, some delicious offerings and revitalizing potencies.


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