It Really Is A Healing Herb

Medical Marijuana has been used for healing for thousands of years. In ancient China, India, the Middle East and even America the herb had been identified as having medicinal properties. Even in more modern times Queen Victoria and her personal physician did some groundbreaking work into the medical application of marijuana. The herb had also been in common use in the United States prior to the passing of the Stamp Act in the 1920s and other marijuana laws. Today patients suffering with asthma, A.I.D.S, cancer and many other illnesses extol the virtues of marijuana use. Marijuana, or Cannabis Sativa as it is known scientifically, is an herb that grows wild in temperate climates. Long before teenagers and counter culture activists were experimenting with cannabis many Asian countries had long since included medicinal marijuana on their list of healing herbs. The earliest documented use of this medicinal weed is among the Chinese. The therapeutic use of medicinal marijuana was documented by Emperor Shen-Nuan in the 28th century B.C. He wrote of its value for treating malaria, constipation, rheumatism, gout and other maladies. How Is It Used?

Medical weed can be used in a variety of ways. Some medicinal marijuana physicians prepare it as a liquid for drinking. Other health professionals feel pot is more effective when it is eaten. Smoking is another means of getting the healing properties of medical pot into the body of the person who needs healing. Some marijuana doctors crush the weed and use it as an ointment or in a poultice. Today California is ground Zero in the battle for marijuana legalization. Since the passage of Prop 215 California residents have set up a series of medicinal marijuana shops. There are also a number of marijuana vending machines in several locations throughout the state. With a California medicinal marijuana card or a cannabis club card California residents can legally obtain medical marijuana from any of the medical marijuana dispensaries in the state. To obtain a card Californians must receive a marijuana evaluation by one of the medical marijuana doctors in the state. Opening a medical marijuana dispensary is not very difficult in California. This has led to a string medical marijuana evaluation centers where California medical marijuana licenses can be issued. While decriminalization of medical marijuana has been an important step many marijuana activists have vowed to stop at nothing short of making weed legal in California. Large segments of the population are pro medical marijuana. This has made members of the marijuana legalization movement confident they will eventually be successful.

In an attempt to facilitate customers and spread the positive word and effects of CBD, True Wellness CBD is offering their customers a chance to avail 10% discount on their first order. When the representative was questioned about the reason behind this offer, he had this to say, “If people haven’t yet heard about the true value and potential of CBD, there’s a reason for that. There are no health claims, references or peer-viewed studies made in the US in this regard. However, those who doubt it can research and find out that the patent holder for the use of cannabinoid as a neuroprotectant and antioxidant is the U.S Government. Their website showcases their entire collection of wholesale CBD products which are inclusive of High CBD Hemp oil (11.85%, 15.9%, 25.7% and 43.5%), CIBDEX capsules, CIBADERM SALVE, CIBDEX TINCTURE and CIBADERM hair and body products. These products come in a variety of concentration strengths, flavors and are sold in bulk. True Wellness CBD is an online marketplace that sells high quality hemp CBD oil. All the CBD oil based products at the True Wellness CBD are potent with all the well documented benefits of CBD and produced with 100% scientific integrity to ensure the effectiveness of the end-product.

The most common method of drug testing in this country for narcotics, marijuana, and illicit substances is a urinalysis. Marijuana has been known to stay in one's system for days or even weeks in high enough amounts to produce a positive urinalysis. The interesting thing here is that a positive drug test may therefore mean that the person is not under the influence of marijuana currently, and hasn't been under it for days. Medical marijuana is legal now in 15 states and commonly being utilized to alleviate problems from debilitating medical conditions such as glaucoma, nausea, vomiting, spasms, and pain. If you are taking or contemplating medical marijuana for use, and are currently employed and potentially subject to drug testing, what are the various methods utilized and what is the scientific basis behind each? This article provides the basics. Certain states, such as Arizona, have the ability to fire an employee if they test positive for marijuana while on the job and their job performance is being affected. But what methods are actually valid to know if someone is actively using?


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