Chef Brings Cannabis To The Dinner Table
The locations for these dinners vary, but most are held in private homes in states where either recreational or medical marijuana is legal. He says he complies with state laws and has all dinner participants fill out a questionnaire on their marijuana tolerance. In states like California, where only medical marijuana is legal, he requires clients to have a medical marijuana card. He says the only common denominator among the diners is a search for a new experience. "I get people fresh out of college; I get people for their anniversary; I get people who are huge into the dab (concentrated cannabis) culture; I get people who are corporate, who just want to have a new experience. ... There is no similarities other than they love good food and they want to try a new experience." The 'nuns' who grow medical marijuana Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States, according to the National Institute of Drug Abuse. It's no surprise businesses like...