Ulcerative Colitis Sufferers Are Amazed By The Benefits Of Medicinal Marijuana
Ulcerative colitis, one of the most well known irritable bowel diseases, can cause severe fatigue, urgent diarrhea, pain, loss of appetite and unhealthy weight loss. Many of the traditional medicinal treatments have side effects much like ulcerative colitis itself, with severe side effects from long-term use. Most patients with ulcerative colitis (and their doctors for that matter), believed they were stuck with traditional medication treatments. The side effects were just one more issue on top of a severe medical problem with no final solution or cure. The same can be said for several diseases: multiple sclerosis, cancer and other patients believed that, to have a better quality of life, they needed the traditional treatments - even if those treatments were sometimes worse than the actual disease. As medicinal marijuana laws change, however, another treatment is being bandied about - not by the medical profession, but by those patients using cannabis as a way to relieve symptoms and r...